[one_half padding=”0 4px 0 4px”] [emailpetition id=”7″] [/one_half] [one_half_last padding=”0 4px 0 4px”]By the initiative of Hellenism, we want Greeks and non-Greeks to sign this petition, which will enhance our point, which is that Greeks are against the Prespes Agreement, and the use of the name Macedonia by people who distort the history of Macedonia and promote anti-Greek agendas.

Against the will of the Greeks and the friends of Greeks, the parliament of Greece tries to pass an agreement which most Greeks consider a betrayal.
We want good neighboring relationships with our border nations, but such an agreement promoted destabilization and distortion of the most obvious historical truth about Macedonia. Genetic research by geneticist Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza proved that people of our neighboring country currently known as FYROM are overwhelmingly of Greek roots. If the people of our neighboring country are true Macedonians, they must do as Alexander the Great and promote the unity and glory of Greece. They must learn Greek to be able to read the books of notable Macedonians like Aristotle in the original Greek language that ancient Macedonians spoke.

All user e-mails are being kept confidential on an unpenetrable dedicated server, and will be used by no other than the site of Hellenism to informing you, with the choice to unsubscribe. Thank you and if you belong to the administration of an organization or a popular facebook group, please promote this petition and inform us to add you to the supporters list and tell you how to work on things together.[/one_half_last] [one_half padding=”0 4px 0 4px”]Supporting Organizations

Young Hellenes[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 4px 0 4px”]Supporting web-pages


Vote rights for Greeks Abroad

[/one_half_last] [one_half padding=”0 4px 0 4px”]Organizations denied support[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 4px 0 4px”]Web-pages that denied support[/one_half_last]